Whether your browsing, borrowing or buying, are you responsible for your bag choice? Lets think about it. Did you just happen to be walking down the street and pop into a boutique and your bag just called your name? Were you taking a stroll in the mall and your bag whispered to you from afar? Or was your bag choice selected for you like the rest of us? I must admit I have had several of my purchased picked for me. My latest beauty caught my eye while hanging on the arm of Tamar Braxton. Sometimes it's the beautifully glossed pages of Vogue, or the reality lacking reality television shows, sometimes it's even the style sense of our friends or favorite celeb… often times our purses are hand picked… just not by us. Before you start feeling like nothing you own is really yours, lets remember that there is a real science to this… its called marketing and merchandizing. We have bought into the dream of living the life that is displayed on the covers of magazines and graciously cascading off of the shoulders of our favorite celebrities. In some twisted little way, having the same bag or shoes as our so close but so far celeb friends makes us think that we are in some way connected. To an extent we are right. We are connected to them, they are usually paid to endorse those bags that we buy, so we are close alright… as close as the coins in there pockets. Like what you like and buy what you buy… just make sure YOU actually like it. Start living the dream and stop trying to buy it. Its free!
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