

June 2, 2014

The New NEW...

The "IT" bag changes like the weather, from Boston's to Birkins, Celiné to McQueen, the bag de jour is relevant to your fashion source. TV, Celebs, Mags and Media all play a part on the bag scene, but here is a new one for you courtesy of the fashion house of le Weeks. According to Elle Magazine the real New New in the bag world is the IV bag. While this bag, like many, are not for everyone, those gals that are still out on the scene and have no time for late nights cut short or early morning dizziness and dehydration, this bag, my friends is for you.

There is  a new wave of mobile IV hydration boutiques that can cure a hangover and beat the alcohol binge in less than an hour. The cocktails that these companies are serving up consist of nausea fighting meds, anti-aging goodies, vitamins and saline. You can hydrate, look younger, feel better and get a glow all at once, and some of these shops will even come to you.

Shops like Hangover Heaven, Reviv Wellness Spa and IVme are popping up everywhere, from the mean streets of NYC to the Sunny blocks of Sunset, which means that the sophisticated party girls can continue to pop bottles without looking… well… like their last night got the best of them well into TOnight.
These treatments can range from $99 to around $300, which if you have ever had a hangover, a $99 fix is well worth it. When you compare this new "IT" bag to the bags of fashions past, this is a definite winner across all categories, plus all girls want that NEW NEW!

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